Hall History

Inherent in the human race is the instinct to socialize, to band together and indulge in activities that amuse and entertain. In 1907, at the home of Tom Orr, an organization was formed by Gilbert Olsen, W.J. McMillan, Mrs. McMillan and E. Berquist with the idea to build a community gathering place. Plans and financing were arranged and construction of the building took only one month.
On January, 12 1908 they met for the first time in the new hall. The current building was completed in 1965.
The Community Hall, in one form or another, has served the Clinton community for over a century.
Formally incorporated in 1910 as Clinton Progressive Association, we are a civic, non-partisan, nondenominational and nonprofit organization that owns and operates the Clinton Community Hall for the benefit of the South Whidbey community.​​
Our Community Gathering Place
In 1907, early settlers in Clinton decided to build a community hall where everyone could gather together. We can imagine the importance of this meeting place for pioneer families building their lives in a new settlement. No doubt they discussed important issues of the day, shared potlucks and entertained themselves with theater, musical performances and a lot of dancing in the hall.

​After more than 50 years, it was determined that the hall was drafty, expensive to heat and developing safety issues. It was decided a new hall would better serve the community and a core group of dedicated members began construction in the early 60s. For a brief time, both halls occupied the same site. In 1967, the community gathered for a huge bonfire and said farewell to the original building.

Today, Clinton is home to several thousand neighbors and friends, many of whom still live in homes nestled back in the forests. The Clinton Community Hall continues to be as important as ever as the central gathering spot for the community.

Board of Directors
Mike Gerhardt
Sue Mills
Bob Gerhard
Acting Treasurer
Barb Doutt
Sheri Gerhard
Board Member
Jill Brewster
Board Member
Steve Franks
Board Member

From left: Barb Doutt, Sheri Gerhard, Sue Mills, Bob Gerhard, Mike Gerhardt, (not pictured) Jill Brewster, Steve Franks