This month marks the end of Jim Swan’s two terms of service as a member of the Hall’s board of directors. If you don’t know Jim through his work at the Hall, you might recognize him via his alter-ego, making an appearance in the community during the Christmas holiday season.

It’s hard to know where to start when talking about Jim’s six years serving on the board. This brief acknowledgment of his contributions to the Hall barely scratches the surface of his commitment to making the Hall a better place. The Clinton community has benefited immensely from his quiet, competent, and ceaseless volunteer efforts.
Jim’s biggest contribution to the Hall (or at least the most time-consuming) came through his management of the physical infrastructure — repairs, painting, managing propane, septic inspections, installation of our sound system, maintenance of janitorial supplies, furnace, water heater, installation of lights in closets, and so much more. He’s spent countless hours doing “just a quick cleaning” of the Hall to ensure the space is kept clean for events and in good shape for renters.
For many years he was the only one putting messages up on the highway “reader board” – you could see him on a ladder quite frequently and he created a system for submitting messages for the board. We can always count on Jim to come up with a random message to make folks smile.
Jim loves activities that serve families in our community — Halloween “trunk or treats”, Christmas Santa, Mayfest, annual picnics in Dan Porter Park, Friends of the Clinton Library book sales — and has been an essential part of all these and more over the years.
This is a bittersweet moment for all of us remaining on the board, as we will greatly miss Jim’s input & contributions. But his retirement from the board is tempered by the fact that Jim has generously offered to continue helping out at the Hall as a volunteer.
Jim is averse to attention, so he will undoubtedly harrumph at this public acknowledgement. But his contributions to the Hall are immense, and worth a thank you the next time you see him around town.

Thank you Jim for all your contributions as a Hall board member!